I thought I would start out this scary blogging process by sharing the story of the dog
behind Black Dog Jewelry's name.
behind Black Dog Jewelry's name.
Rosa, the black dog of Black Dog Jewelry
Our first "daug"ter was named Winter. She was a pure bred American Eskimo spitz and the sweetest dog you ever knew. She left us for doggy heaven in January 2009.
A year later we were ready to get another dog. I scoured Petfinder.com for hours, reading all the sad stories of all these precious animals needing homes. We knew we wanted a rescue this time, we just never knew how hard it would be to pick one UNTIL I saw Rosa. I knew the minute I saw her picture she was ours. I think I loved her from that minute. We contacted her foster Mom and got her information and background and it sounded like it was a perfect fit. The day before we were supposed to meet her and bring her home we got a call that Rosa ate some poison mushrooms and went into a coma, they didn't think she would make it. Well she did and after another week we finally got to meet her.
Rosa is the sweetest (with a spark of crazy) dog ever. They say that rescues know they are rescued and I believe them. Rosa was a stray so we don't have any background info on her but we have seen triggers to some past abuse. She is an American Eskimo/Schipperke mix, a pure spitz through and through. The characteristics of these dogs are explained as an excellent watchdog and extremely independent.
Which translates to barks it's head off and won't do what you say!
Well, not Rosa! She does everything we say and hardly ever barks. You can see she tries real hard to fit in so she can stay. Well she's staying with us forever!! She's very smart but does have a wild streak to her.
So far she has caught a squirrel, a snake and a bird. All on leash!
The devil dog!
Anyways, Rosa is a Momma's girl and follows me everywhere. She wants to do what I do and is usually under my desk while I am making my jewelry. She surfs, goes to doggy daycare, plays with her Daddy, helps create jewelry designs, and even does yoga!

She also got her name from her foster home. Her foster Mom rescues American Eskimo dogs. Rosa was the only black dog there and one dog was prejudice and wouldn't look at or acknowledge Rosa. So they named her after Rosa Parks!
So that's the story of the black dog of Black Dog Jewelry. I named my jewelry business after her because every time I see her, hear her name, or anything about a doggy it makes me smile.
I can only hope my jewelry creations will make you smile as well.
Til next time!
http://www.Black Dog Jewelry.net